Interested in Advertising? Honeywell PTFA is pleased to offer opportunities for local businesses including:
Event sponsorship Events, such as Cinema Night, Quiz Night, Summer Fete, Christmas Bazaar – to name but a few can be sponsored. In return for financial support for the event, Honeywell PTFA will display your corporate banner and include your name and logo on all marketing material.
Advertisements in Sting and on the PTFA website Sting is a regular PTFA publication produced voluntarily by a small group of Honeywell parents with contributions and help from the children, staff and other parents. Lineage and display adverts as well as advertorials are available for a small fee.The PTFA website has been recently introduced and is expected to grow organically as both content and popularity increases. Advertising opportunities are available, artwork must be supplied.
Retail stalls at events The PTFA hosts regular events at school including Summer Fete, Festive Shopping Evening and Christmas Bazaar. Please contact the Committee Members by filling in the contact form on this page.
Donations Donations are always welcome for our raffles (organised at the Summer Fete and the Christmas Bazaar). All contributors are listed in the programme and in advance publicity.